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Online survey instructor view towards online learning

Dear all,

This study is being conducted by Maaike Dooijeweerd at the University of Utrecht. You are invited to participate in this study because you are currently teaching HBO or WO students.  

The aim of this study is to investigate how the interaction between student and instructor can be stimulated in online courses in higher education. Especially now, when almost all courses are provided online it is interesting to gain more insight and expertise in achieving high-quality online courses.

Therefore, I need to collect data in order to be able to answer the main research question of this thesis: “How can the interaction between student-instructor be stimulated during online courses in higher education? That is exactly the reason that I need your help!

Are you currently teaching HBO/WO students? If the answer is yes, I kindly ask you to fill in my online survey via this link. I will already thank you for doing this and have a nice day!

Kind regards, Maaike Dooijeweerd

22 december 2020

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